Monday, August 25, 2008


Hey. Hi. I'm exhausted. This post is gonna be lame. I don't know what happened. Doing the raw thing got not fun in the past day or two. Spiritually, yesterday was awesome. I was feeling good good good. But my head has lost some focusing abilities. Also, today I got nauseated at work and lost my appetite. Weird. And I keep getting leg cramps in the same spot. Somebody call the wambulance.

Basically my will to live is slowly wasting away. Just kidding. But eating hasn't been fun for a couple of days. Except for the peaches I got at Cox Farms. Those were aaaaaahhh. Even the tasty stuff is too much for me these days, though. I feel like my taste buds have been brought out of a coma. I had some snap peas and red peppers the other day and I could hardly handle the power of the flavor. It was shocking. I made some chocomole (using avocadoes, dates, cacao powder, etc.) and I could only have a couple of spoonfuls at one sitting. Food now has too much flavor. What is that?

Todays conclusion: going raw makes one a little dumber, somewhat more physically uncomfortable, and unable to eat much food when hungry. I bet you my reflexes aren't 100% presently, either. You could punch me right now and expect no retaliation.

At least my skin is considerably more glowing. :)



entrepreneur said...

hi kassie. i just ran into ur blog. its nice to meet someone who can relate what i go through living in centreville too! lol

anyway, wambulance, funny stuff

and whats this about going raw. did you let a guy do you raw or something? lol thats waht this blog sounds like. anyway, hit me up neighbor

The Dilley's said...

Hi friend! You make me laugh, that comic is hysterical also! I miss you like crazy...oh and kudos on the raw thing!

Curt said...

Don't you worry Kass, say the word and I'll whip up some M&M cereal bars (remember those, my mom's recipe). Can't wait for Labor day.

Curt said...

That last note was actually from Nomes....