Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is the deeeaaaaal with comedy?

Friends, family, strangers, haters,

The latest news is that a buddy asked me if I had ever done stand up comedy before. No, I have not. I have been encouraged by certain folks (mostly moms - my own and others), but it has always sounded terrifying until now...So I know a guy who knows a guy who could probs get me a gig doing stand up at a pretty prestigious NYC comedy club that shall remain nameless so as not to jinx anything.

So what do we think? Should I try it? It's not a talent I ever thought about having or flexing. Mostly cuz, besides being scary as folk, a stand up comedian merely by walking on stage is saying, "I think I am hilarious." My ego hasn't been able to reconcile that one. Here's where the tipping point is: certain comedians make good money. If walking on stage and telling strangers funny stories can bring in CASH?! Hmmmm. I work at a certain retail store. I have to communicate with and smell and sometimes touch lots of people that I have no desire spend time with. These strangers are turning me into a horrible person. I'm really worried that I have literally lost my ability to empathize. Maybe I'll regain some humanity! Besides, I don't even have to interact with or like see the audience.

Weigh in, folks. Go.



Karene said...

are you kidding me? Sounds like you already could get a whole sketch out of smelling, touching and talking with people at retail!!! Do it!

Amanda said...

Ummm, heck to the yes! You are one of the funniest people I've ever known and you would be so so good and unique. I can see how scary and intimidating it would be, but you're so bad arse you can stand up to that. Seriously. Go for it!

nana Donna said...

You know my answer. Do it!

Bronwyn said...

Hi Kassie! Long time! I just got curious and started poking around, and thought I'd say hi. And yes, you would do great at stand up. I remember lots of funny nights in college.